Kakolem Beach in Goa

Kakolem Beach – The Mythical Tiger Beach

Just a 7km drive away from the famous Coba de Ramam beach, Kakolem Beach is spread wide and long being among one of the isolated lot. This beach is of a wild kind because of its connection to tigers. This link is in association with the mythical hunting of tigers by some claiming hunters of old times. This has given Goosebumps for many visiting there but still has even raised a few environmental eyebrows.

Apart from this rumour, if not believed, Kakolem Beach Goa has a fantastically open place which seeks the flow of the waves and murmur of the breeze in the day time while inculcates a risky motion during the night. As there isn’t much of a developmental activity going on, beach shacks, hotels, resorts and tropically available rooms are less of its kinds.

Though Kakolem Beach in Goa is inaccessible easily, one can visit here crossing the national highway 66 towards the Kola Village, that too compulsorily during the day time. The spirit of adventure which drools up while walking through the broken stairs and raw roads here is eccentric yet buzzing.

If the option of getting here by road seems perilous then one can always opt for sea route, but for that you need to rent water – motor boat which makes travelling uncomplicated.

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